Hello, I'm Steven Sterthman! After a career in the tennis industry as a club manager and teaching professional, then in the auto industry as a service advisor and service manager, I began my career in insurance. In 2007, I started selling supplemental plans for Aflac. As time went on, I found myself advising my clients on how to fill deductible gaps created by high deductible health plans and cover their assets, all while doing it affordably. On many of these occasions, I passed their names to someone else who could provide what I could not. Many times, I heard how disappointed they were by lack of communication or follow up with that referred agent. In October of 2018, I joined the Health Care Solutions Team, which was what I had been looking for-- a company that did not force me to work strictly for them, a place that could give me the options to offer complete health benefit packages to individuals or businesses. I could now be of better service to my clients. In September of 2020, I decided it was time to put the health insurance side and the supplemental side under one name-- The Benefits Pool.
Looking at benefits can make your head swim, whether you are doing this for the first time or looking to add new benefits or make changes to what you are offering in an attempt to better control costs. It's a lot like diving into a pool. At the Benefits Pool, we can start you at the shallow end of the pool (no diving) and as you become more comfortable with what you offer, we can add benefits or increase your participation level, like moving toward the deep end of the pool. All the while, keeping an eye on the expenses, with the goal of a benefits package you and your employees want and keeping money in the business and the employee’s pockets.
The Full Package for Employers
Protect Your Assets